Types of Technology

Technology is the combination of any methods, skills, processes, or mechanisms utilized in the creation of new products or services or in their realization of previously established goals, for example, scientific research. These processes can be used to overcome obstacles to realizing technological goals, as well as to provide customers with a better product or service than what they could have had access to by conventional means. Some types of technology are more general and could be applied to many different fields of study, whereas other technologies are specialized and are used only in a specific area. There are also technology gaps, which are the result of technological developments that have taken place but which remain unaddressed by the public or private sector. Technological change can be disruptive and cause major shifts in society and industry, sometimes causing significant displacement in present patterns of production and service provision. Disruptive technology can disrupt people’s lives and livelihoods, sometimes through the release of harmful chemical or electric emissions into the atmosphere, ground, or water.


When we talk about the “technology sector” in Australia, we often refer to the information technology sector, which refer to computer science, engineering, information technology, computer software, network and storage systems, telecommunications, digital and graphic design, computer systems, and related fields. It is one of the most rapidly growing sectors in the economy, and is a key driver of Australia’s economic growth and potential for the future. However, while the economy benefits from the technology sector, it is the people who run the businesses and the governments who determine the future of this important economic force in our society. Let’s make sense of the difference between this broad term and the more specific term of “technovation.”

Technology is the application of science to develop or manufacture useful and implement solutions within the human endeavor. In other words, it is a set of practices and systems used to improve the results of human activity. These systems or practices are then collectively referred to as “technology.” One example of such an enterprise system is the iot (information technology) applied research organisation that was established at the University of Sydney in the late 1970s. The iot’s major task was to apply systematic treatment and research methodology to various areas of computer science including artificial intelligence, databases, human-computer interaction, numerical analysis, knowledge representation and natural language processing.

This broad term also includes the more specific area of information technologies, which refers to the applications of technology in the arts. For instance, a classical example is the creation of a new piece of music, which may be recorded using digital tools, produced using musical instruments, or created in another way. Another example of such technologies in the arts is Theatre, which includes the communication, promotion, and performance of the arts. A further example of a technology within the broader term of technology is the manufacturing of a certain type of product. Within the context of the wider field of arts and technology, therefore, the term technology is used to refer to the combination of many previously existing technologies, along with new inventions that make the existing systems more efficient, robust, or useful.

Technological Systems are those mechanisms, procedures, or concepts, which constitute a living world. Just as the different kinds of animals differ in their physical structures and features, so do the different kinds of systems of information and communications differ on their basic modes of operation. There are a number of important technological systems which have been developed over the past century, which can be classified into four main analytical categories. These are:

The first analytical category is cultural systems, which consists of values, practices, organizations, and social institutions that have been developed over time by people through their interaction with one another. These represent the foundation of how people understand the world around them, how they interact with each other, how they organize their economies, and how they provide for their families and communities. The analysis of culture provides important insights into the nature of technological change. Specifically, the cultural approach attempts to determine where, if any, changes in technology have led to improvements in society at large. This approach differs from the technocentric perspective of the first analytical category, which places technological change ahead of the evolution of culture.