Understanding Technology


Understanding Technology

Technology is the collective term for any new techniques, practices, tools, methods, or procedures used in the creation of products or services or in the achievement of specific goals, including scientific research. There are numerous sectors that fall under technology, including communications, computer sciences, engineering, health care, and entertainment. Often, new technologies are developed based on older ones. However, some new practices have developed out of older ones.

Many people think of science as having a single definition: “the science which lays the foundation for all other sciences.” The foundation of science is knowledge: knowledge about nature, its parts, their interactions, and the laws that govern their use. Without knowledge, we are helpless to solve problems. The most common type of knowledge includes that which can be learned, demonstrated, verified, or otherwise examined to determine whether it is true or not. One of the purposes of science is to obtain this general type of knowledge, in order to learn how to solve particular problems.

Knowledge about how to build a particular machine or devise a scientific method to test a hypothesis is called scientific knowledge. People who learn these types of things become scientific researchers. A lot of new technologies develop from accumulated knowledge.

Some knowledge, however, is necessary for us to accomplish practical purposes. We do not, for example, learn to build airplanes or automobiles without knowing something about mechanics. Knowing about mechanics enables us to apply the knowledge we have to make machines or constructing buildings that are safe to fly into and survive in. Likewise, knowing about chemistry enables us to utilize the substances available to us in various practical purposes. For example, we cannot manufacture fuel in a meaningful way without knowledge of the chemical reactions that take place when water and oil are combined.

Scientific knowledge is also important to businesses. The application of scientific methods in business must be precise and efficient. In order for an invention to make practical application, it must meet certain strict requirements. These procedures involve formulation, demonstration, analysis, testing, and reporting. Without a sound understanding of how to use scientific methods in business, inventions will not be able to make practical application.

One practical application of scientific knowledge is technology transfer. Individuals who master the necessary skills to develop new technologies often find that they are given the chance to apply their discoveries to practical problems. Some individuals may choose to enter a particular business, while others may choose to work with a company that develops a particular technology that can be transferred to another business. In either case, individuals who learn the necessary skills to do so will be equipped to share their new knowledge with other interested parties. That’s why it is important to learn about the various types of technology that are out there, so that you can determine the ones that are best suited to your needs as a student of higher education.