Types of GAMES

Games are a great way to pass the time. A game is any activity which a person engaged in simply for pleasure or enjoyment. Games can consist of card games, video games, computer games, word games, sports, puzzles, and others. The activities may vary, but the end result is the same; people pass the time playing games. There are a number of different types of games.


Many games use strategy and problem solving skills. For example, one person may be playing a game such as chess where the objective is to checkmate the other player. However, it is not always necessary to actually checkmate your opponent in order to win. Often, you only need to learn how to play a particular move or strategy to successfully overcome your opponent and win.

In addition to using strategy and problem solving skills, some games require physical skill. For example, many online gambling games require bluffing. Bluffing is a physical skill where a player pretends to not be bluffing so that they can make more bluffing bids and thus increase their chances of winning. Physical skill is used in other types of GAMES such as a skillful baseball player or a skilled surfer.

The next type of GAMES are those which involve dice. Dice games are well known in most countries because of their ability to cause people to have fun. In fact, in many countries, gambling is quite popular with the use of dice. One of the most common dice games is dominoes.

Dominoes are played with a wooden or plastic dominoes where the object is to knock all of them off of a single domino tile. However, dominoes are not the only GAMES to use dominoes. Almost any card game can be played with dominoes, such as poker. However, poker is probably the best-known GAMES for which the domino effect can be observed.

Another GAMES that use dominoes is chess. Players start with ten wooden or plastic chess pieces and the goal is to form a sequence of squares containing at least one free piece, called a pawn. Players may alternately place their pieces in any of their eight squares without using their menaces. Players may remove their pieces by flicking them off the board or by retrieving them from their cages. A player who has no free pieces is considered to have none, hence making chess a completely even game.