Help Your Loved One Stop Gambling

Gambling involves placing something of value, such as money or other items, on the outcome of an event that is based on chance. It is not a profitable way to make money, and can even cost you more than you win. When done for the wrong reasons, gambling can harm your health, your relationships, your work or study performance and put you in trouble with the law. It can also cause you to lose your home and can lead to depression. It can even have serious consequences for your family, friends and other members of your community.

People who gamble report a variety of motivations for doing so. These include: entertainment, excitement, and a feeling of achievement or self-worth. Many people also use gambling as a means of escape or coping with unpleasant feelings, such as boredom or stress. However, there are healthier ways to relieve unpleasant emotions and manage boredom, such as exercise, spending time with friends who don’t gamble, or practicing relaxation techniques.

When someone gambles, their brain is rewarded with dopamine when they experience a favorable outcome. This is why it feels so good to win. But, if your loved one has developed a gambling problem they may not be experiencing this reward. In fact, the dopamine response is hijacked by problem gambling, changing their brain’s learning mechanism. This causes them to keep gambling, despite the negative consequences.

There are some things you can do to help your loved one if their gambling has become problematic. Make sure they are not gambling on credit, and close their online betting accounts. Set a limit on the amount of money they can spend, and stick to it. Don’t play when they are stressed or upset, as this will impact their decision making. Also, avoid chasing their losses as this will almost certainly result in more losses.

The key to stopping a gambling addiction is understanding that it is not about luck but rather the ability to make logical decisions. To do so, it is important to understand why your loved one gambles and the consequences of their actions. It is also helpful to recognise that they do not have a choice about the type of gambling they do, but rather the decisions they make about how much they will bet and when.

In addition to addressing these issues, it is important that you have a strong support network in place. This will help you to cope with the ups and downs of dealing with a gambling addiction. You may have to take over managing their finances, if that is what it takes, to prevent them from spending more than they can afford to lose. You should also learn to recognize the warning signs of gambling problems and seek out professional help if you have concerns. If you are concerned about your own gambling habits, please contact us for support. We can also refer you to professionals who offer treatment for gambling addiction.