A Brief History of Science and Technology

The study of technology is now so vast that it has developed its own term for each new type of technology that appears. Technology is the combination of many human disciplines, like electronics, information, electrical engineering, mechanics, computer science, and so on. The word itself actually derives from the combination of these three disciplines. Technology is used to refer to any product or process that makes the operation of human society and life more efficient. Technological systems are designed to meet a person’s needs, increasing productivity and efficiency.


The development of new technology starts with discoveries and inventions. The discovery of electricity and the development of the internal combustion engine revolutionized the world. Industrial revolution dramatically changed the world’s economy. With the invention of new technologies related to each of these four main periods in history, the world’s economy was forever changed. In recent times, new technologies like the internet, cellular phones, GPS, and other electronic gadgets have significantly impacted all aspects of our lives.

In the past, technological systems were designed to meet practical aims, like enabling people to communicate. However, technological systems have developed to include both practical aims and conceptual aims, meaning that they have developed to enable humans to achieve something that they couldn’t do before, without necessarily having to resort to scientific knowledge. A good example is the fact that the internet is able to provide people with access to enormous amounts of information. But the internet wasn’t always around, and people would have had to rely on books, newspapers, magazines, or other reading materials, among other things, to satisfy their need for information. Scientific knowledge has been considered one of the cornerstones of technology, since it has been proven that people can make things happen through the use of scientific knowledge.

As discussed above, there have been many instances where scientific knowledge has been applied to improve people’s lives. Another cornerstone of technology is technology that enables people to communicate. Telephones, radios, satellite television, and other forms of communication have been around for quite some time, but they were unable to function properly without scientific knowledge. The advent of the telephone, for example, necessitated the development of a more reliable system, which in turn required scientific knowledge to build the telephone. Similarly, radio work and satellite television required people to acquire scientific knowledge to set them up. These examples are only a few of the many technologies that have been born out of people needing better ways of communicating.

In addition, science and technology play an important role in society, because without technological systems, there wouldn’t be any such thing as electricity, for instance. Without scientists, doctors, technicians, and other professionals, society wouldn’t be able to produce electricity. Even the global climate change and environmental pollution wouldn’t be possible. Therefore, in order to benefit from these innovations, people need to have a basic level of scientific knowledge.

Overall, science and technology play a vital role in modern society. Without science and technology, there would be almost nothing anyone can do, which is why many people study different branches of science, like physics, astronomy, and genetics, in order to gain a better understanding of the world around them. Some people specialize in specific types of technology, like aerospace engineers, industrial designers, or technologists, while others work in all areas of technology.